A job exists that requires more than most of us can imagine. It fact, it could be considered the most important job of all. It's part finance and part operations. It requires experience in medicine, education, and the culinary arts. Those who hold this role must be capable of working long hours for consecutive days and weeks without interruption. They must be highly mobile, willing to put the needs of the people they serve above their own, and do so without expectation of financial compensation.
To most of us, the discription of a role like this one turns our minds to days of indentured servants. The requirements are so heavily out of balance with the benefits and rewards. Or are they? Those that have held the role seldom complain. Instead, they truly love the people they serve and expect very little in return for their years and years of emotional and physical support.
We know these people. They took care of us when we needed them most. These people are our mothers and the role is that of our mom.
With Mother's Day just ahead, this video caught my attention. Take a look. Then make your mom a card.